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Our Bouquets

What We Do

Online Education Tailored to You

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Expert Instructor

Experienced instructors in teaching Arabic to native and non-native speakers.

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We offer group lessons with a maximum of five students, as well as individual lessons.

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24/7 Live Support

Our team works hard to ensure that all your inquiries and questions are answered and your needs are met.

Individual Packages

Full Time

320$ Monthly

5 Days/Week
20 Days/Month
120 Minutes Duration Section
40Hrs/ Course

Part Time

195$ Monthly

3 Days/Week
12 Days/Month
120 Minutes Duration Section
24Hrs/ Course

Full Time

160$ Monthly

5 Days/Week
20 Days/Month
60 Minutes Duration Section
20Hrs/ Course

Part Time

100$ Monthly

3 Days/Week
12 Days/Month
60 Minutes Duration Section
12Hrs/ Course

Group of Friends (Two Students)

Full Time

240$/Student Monthly

5 Days/Week
20 Days/Month
120 Minutes Duration Section
40Hrs/ Course

Part Time

145$/Student Monthly

3 Days/Week
12 Days/Month
120 Minutes Duration Section
24Hrs/ Course

Full Time

120$/Student Monthly

5 Days/Week
20 Days/Month

60 Minutes Duration Section
20Hrs/ Course

Part Time

75$/Student Monthly

3 Days/Week
12 Days/Month
60 Minutes Duration Section
12Hrs/ Course

Group of Friends (Three Students)

Full Time

200$/Student Monthly

5 Days/Week
20 Days/Month
120 Minutes Duration Section
40Hrs/ Course

Part Time

120$/Student Monthly

3 Days/Week
12 Days/Month
120 Minutes Duration Section
24Hrs/ Course

Full Time

100$/Student Monthly

5 Days/Week
20 Days/Month
60 Minutes Duration Section
20Hrs/ Course

Part Time

60$/Student Monthly

3 Days/Week
12 Days/Month
60 Minutes Duration Section
12Hrs/ Course